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Introducing my photoblog, PhLog. Well it's your normal blog but just all about pictures. Danio asked me what's the difference then my normal blog and I guess the answer is there isn't much difference but I guess I just wanted a blog solely for the purpose of displaying pictures. Plus there are some pictures on my Flickr that you have no visibility to.

The navigation is going to be a bit different but:

Here is the introduction to PhLog.
Here is PhLog.

ps. sushi you can laugh at the URL for all you want. i couldn't think of any other URL. give me a good one and i'll change it.

2 Responses to “PhLog”

  1. Blogger kenny 

    I guess people will think this is a leehom blog, but oops, that's taken.

  2. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    How come my comments have disappeared?! @.@|||

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