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so one more day till taiwan but i've managed to catch ken's cold. well, it wasn't too hard when i drank from the same glass as he last night for dinner. oh well. i am on the fighting mode - drinking lots of water and taking lots of vitamin Cs. i forgot about one thing!!! i will be seeing 棉被人in taiwan! at least i hope to because i haven't seen her for 4 years too.... 哈哈哈

on the side note, my 2 japanese friend will be showing us around yokohama and treating us to yummy home-made japanese friend. my elementary school friend, mizue - whom i stayed with during my last stay, has a new cat. she told me the new cat, tom, is not scared of anything that exist. we shall see about that. my high school friend, naoko, will be treating us to home-made shabu-shabu or sukiyaki. last time i was there she took me to a ramen store that had the smallest bathroom in tokyo...or was it japan? that's what she told me.

ok i have rambled on too much :p

3 Responses to “棉被人

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    wow O_O "treating us to yummy home-made japanese friend"

    請你照張"好吃家裡做的朋友"來給我們瞧瞧 很好奇ㄟ

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    1. Wishing you a good flight! ^^"
    2. I am also curious about the "yummy home-made Japanese friend"!! Is it like a cute guy that you just want to take a bite of? XP
    3. 棉被人.... Somehow I think I have heard it before... but I just can't remember who it is and where this name come from... O_O||| Can someone jog my memory?
    4. I so 羨慕 you have real Japanese friends who can show you around, neh.. >"<

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It's sad ... for some reason I can't read anything you wrote!! =(

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