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西遊記之三 : The Incredible Hulk…I mean Cindy

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So it’s about time that I get into the fun places I went on my trip. Before doing so, I must introduce you to Cindy, who was my travel companion on this trip. Cindy just graduated from college, and so the day after her graduation, she hopped on a little plane out to the west coast for her 畢業旅行; hence our 西遊記. Traveling with Cindy for a week, there was not much of a time where there was no laughter or great sharing along our drive. Thinking about it, I was so surprised how our 20 hours, 1800 miles of drive seemed like nothing at all. There is a saying that the fastest travel to anyplace is with a book or friend. So it must have been the friend since I had books with me but those didn’t come in handy!

So you guys might be wondering how in the world I survived the part of the trip where Cindy was the driver (Cindy doesn’t pay much attention when she drives…and this is by personal confession). To my surprised, she was not too bad except for a part of the road where we were stuck behind a RV and she was trying to pass RV, and THAT really scared me! Compared to me who almost killed two people on the trip while driving, she was really not too bad at all. Towards the end of the trip I wrote a song for Cindy. Please sing this to the tune of 兩隻老虎.

天天開車 天天開車
真麻煩 真麻煩
一切交給 Cindy
真奇怪 真奇怪


ps. The picture is taken on Mt. Hood. You can see the mountain right above us. Cindy is in green on the left with me in shorts on the left.

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