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Hurricane Isable

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So the hurricane has past by us in Virginia and heading its way up to Pennsylvania to do some damage. I’ve told you about the non-panicking preparation we did in Taiwan during typhoon visitations but I’ve never fully understand why was there a need to store water for use during and after typhoons. This morning after waking up and trying to get ready for work, I noticed there was not much water coming out of the faucet. I figure some pipe line was broken somewhere in the county but what actually happened was the water plant lost power and we currently have 8 hours of water supply for the entire county. The radio stations warned us that we should boil our water if we are going to drink from the tap. That led me to think that the water that runs from our faucet seems simple enough but yet there are always invisible hands/works that are behind everything. Our water is processed at the water plant before it reaches our house allowing us to be able to drink and use it. Interesting but yet we too easily take everything for granted. Another thing I noticed about this country is that people wants fast everything. Fast food, fast bank service, fast drive through, and now even fast hurricane sweep.

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