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Something About Adulthood

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I had a discussion with Smallwei back in March. Smallwei thinks after one turns into adult they think so much that they are afraid of taking adventure, excitement, and etc... I, on the other hand, just feel that adults think because they want to make sure everything is prepared before rushing into things.

Now looking back on that discussion, I think I am the type of person that is up for excitement and no planning when it comes to myself but when it comes to things that involves others, I want to think through as much as I can and be considerate before doing something crazy.

Now in regards to adventure and excitement, I think as we grow older, we see the limitations of life. I don't mean that we can't continue to reach out for our dreams but we become more careful because we know there are things in life we can't control. When we are young, we think we can do everything the way we want but in actuality we are still under the protection of our parents, our school, and etc... As we begin to grasp to that concept and idea, we start to be more careful each and every time.

So in response to Ken's thought on break free, I want to break free but I also know that by my breaking free, it will cause discomfort in the lives of people that are close to me. I want excitement in life, I want adventure in life, but just not at the cost of those that are dear to me. And in response to someone else's comment of relationships rise and fall due to the ever changing world, I think that was stages of my youthful thinking because now I see it as generations rise and fall. Lately I begin to feel that even though my generation does not want to step up to the plate as the generation that will currently make a difference in this world, but it seems to be our time to step up to the plate and make something happen. Time waits on no one, and next I know it, it will be following generation that comes up and take the plate.

Anyways, thoughts on this has not fully shaped, but it will do for now.

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