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So last week I started to read Harry Potter because Danio made it sound so interesting. Me being not very enthusiastic about HP finally decided to pick up the book and see what is this HP hype. I have not even seen any of the HP movies as any mentioning of HP turns me off. So I read book 1 and 2 in 4 days and saw the HP movie #1 as well.

My conclusion is that I still don't understand the deal about the HP hype as it's just any book. Though it is interesting to read and find out the mysteries and see what type of tricks those wizards can cook up. Of course Danio said book 4, 5, & 6 will make things more and more interesting but I am not there yet. Anyways, it remind me of the book series "The Boxcar Children" I used to love reading in elementary school.

So the thing worth mentioning about HP is that even though Rowling named the wise headmaster of Hogwarts Dumbledore, but he is not too dumb after all. I thought of two Dumbledore quotes worth mentioning...

It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
-HP1: The Sorcerer's Stone

Recently I said something out of my sincere heart but it was taken wrongly because of the way I said it (explained to me by someone). It hurt because something I said out of sincerity was taken wrongly but I think this quote remind me that it hurt a lot because it was someone whom I cared about. If it were my enemy, I would have forgotten about it already and not still be hurt by it. It also make me think more about communication skill which I hope when I get into heaven, all I need to worry about is praising God and not have to deal with human communication issues.

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
-HP2: The Secret Chamber

This is quite self-explanatory. We often wish and dwell on those things that we do not have, whether material or emotional, that we forget to live and be happy.

So I hope all of ya reading is living and being happy for who God created you to be =]

and yikes! it's august already!

5 Responses to “HP”

  1. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Dumbledore does have some memorable lines.. ^^"
    I just watched HP3 movie at home again last night, and Sirius Black also said some really memorable lines... XD

    Another part of the HP writing is the play with words, I guess.. the names of stores or organizations are funny.. people's names are also very interesting and fitting... I'm sure someone with more Latin background would be able to appreciate it much more than I can.. ^^"

  2. Blogger sophia 

    sushi...finshed hp3 and didn't see any memorable quote from s.black. give me some example....

  3. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    (We are talking about the movie, right? Because I'm not sure this dialoge is in the book, been too long since I read NO. 3. @.@")
    I was talking about the last part when he was saying goodbye to Harry, before flying away with Buckbeak...
    He said something about the people we love never really leaving us (talking about Harry's parents), because they are always alive in their hearts. XD
    Kind of mushy and cliche, but, it's not bad...

  4. Blogger sophia 

    nah. talking about the book :p

  5. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Hee hee... Well, I think that part should be in the book somewhere as well... hee hee...

    Speaking of memorable quotes, here's one I really liked before and got reminded of it because the movie was showing on TV last night (I, of course, reviewed it again! XD)

    "Pain heals;
    Chicks dig scars;
    Glory, lasts forever!"

    --- by Keanu Reeves as Shane Falco in "The Replacement Players" ---

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