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PEZ Craz

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Ok so there is still a huge gap between what's going on in my life but here is something small that happened. Last week I "found out" about PEZ. Well, I knew there was PEZ and it has something to do with candy but don't really know what exactly it is. Anyways, it's a candy dispenser and you can see more on their homepage. So last Thursday night we went out shopping for PEZ, well, we did some grocery shopping as well. We went to Giant and they didn't have much selection and I got the last PEZ in the store for free because the price won't scan. Then we headed to CVS and they had no PEZ. Couldn't believe that because Ken said CVS usually had a lot of them. Then we were about to go to Wegman when we saw Kmart and I said let's go check it out! And we found some PEZ =] My favorite PEZ so far is the pig one. It's so cute!! Friday, I went to Target and found the Sponge Bob PEZ. Then over the weekend, no matter where we went, we kept our eyes out for PEZ... I think I am in for the cute PEZ and I have now decided that I want to only buy the piglet type PEZ.

3 Responses to “PEZ Craz”

  1. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Hey, they are kind of cute! So are you gonna start a collection?

  2. Blogger kenny 

    We did find PEZ in CVS. It was the ugly star war bad guy.

  3. Blogger kenny 

    Bugs Bunny and Garfield were the two PEZ I had from college. I had to spend my money in the convenient store homehow.

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