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劫掠 槍戰 強暴 鬥毆事件 運送災民的直升機遭槍擊

我們為了自己 是不是也會做出慘忍的事


2 Responses to “人心”

  1. Blogger sophia 

    sushi mebbe u can comment on this:

  2. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Soap, if you are talking about the "Social Psychologists said..." part... I really don't have much to comment except agree, neh... But I really think that it doesn't take social psychologists to say these... It's just common sense, don't you think? Basically when people lose the sense of regulations, and forced by basic needs, it is just natural to do something they wouldn't ordinarily do...

    I actually wouldn't feel bad about those people who break into grocery stores to take some daily necessities (daipers, food, hygene stuff, etc.), in fact, I believe the stores should open their doors themselves and supply these very important things to the refuges.

    However, it is very sad that some people would take this opportunity when there is chaos everywhere and the authorities have no power to enforce the law to rob and loot from stores or other people things that are not necessities of life such as luxury items or decorative items...

    Anyways, I just hope the supplies gets in and get spread quickly so that the suffering can be relieved at least to minimize the damage and alternative housing and financial support be provided very soon.

    Lastly, we need to be thankful that we ourselves and people close to us haven't been effected by recent natural disasters... However, we also need to be aware and prepared that something like this is very likely to happen to us sometime in the future... At that time, how are we going to react? @.@|||

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