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Taiwan Trip Day 2 - Morning

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So last night I went to sleep at 10:30pm after waking up at 2am the previous day on the plane, I consider myself doing pretty well with jetlag. I didn't really feel the jetlag and when I did, a cup of papaya milk wake me right up :D So today I wake up at 5:45am and spent 30 minuets with figuring out how to get online with the DSL we have at home. Internet is quite different here than in the States. People here use DSL, which requires username and password, so even if I were able to see other people's signal, I am unable to use their internet as I do not have their username and password. So after that, mom and I went out for some 精力湯. It was actually pretty good. Well, compared to the one my mom made for me yesterday morning.

Oh so I forgot to tell you that I have joined the 飛車黨 after arriving at Taiwan. My mode of travel is now primary a bicycle. Haha, so I speed up and down the street of Taipei with my mom and dad, thus the 飛車黨. Ok, so after breakfast we went to my cousin's house and then to 國父紀念館. I took a bunch of pictures and was happy.

You might be wondering why in the world am I blogging this now as it is only mid-day. Well, for some strange reason, the memory card in my camera died and it is giving me a memory card error. I am unable to fix it and so I found the information to Sandisk in Taiwan and will be sending it in for testing. I feel kind of bad that my 1G Ultra II Sandisk memory card is broken but fear not! Picture will continue to come as I will be using my backup camera here in Taiwan. Hehe...or worst comes to worst, I'll go to 光華商場 in the mean time and see if I can find myself a cheap and no-brand memory card.

Oh and there was an earthquake around 9am this morning. I thought I was dizzy from something but it was only an earthquake =]

2 Responses to “Taiwan Trip Day 2 - Morning”

  1. Blogger 陶樂絲鄧 


  2. Blogger sophia 


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