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Blog 有什麼不起嗎?

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其實我也沒被 danio 點到名
我想 blog 是沒什麼了不起
因為現在網上有那麼多的 blog
不過我想 blog 也是種勇敢的表現



7 Responses to “Blog 有什麼不起嗎?

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    勇敢!!! 勇敢!!! (trying to encourage myself) ^_^

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    嗯 這我沒特別想到,但說的真好啊。 願意跟別人分享自己的人真的很少。

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, wassup? Haven't seen anything from you for a while, neh....
    Even though I see you on MSN sometimes, (and get bombarded with "wonder-woman" type random questions on J-Pop or K-Pop, ha ha...) but how come you haven't posted anything in more than a month? Everything alright, right? O_O|||

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    not posting because sometimes i feel i put my life out in the open for everyone to see
    everyone meaning those friends who thinks they can get away with knowing what's going on in my life w/just reading my blog and keeping their life a secret but they say their life is an open book people just have to ask
    that makes me not happy

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I know this is kind of late to reply to this now... But, just glad that you posted something new again... XD

    Regarding blogging.... I think I am the kind of person who blog to an audience... What I mean is, it's important to me what others think about what I say... That's why I'm always checking back at my blog for comments (several times a day... Orz), and it sometimes upsets me when no one leaves messages... >\\\\\<

    This doesn't mean that I write with the intention to please the audience, though... I still just ramble and rant on about whatever I like, hoping that people will start to like these things and ramble and rave along with me... XP

    On the other hand... Because there are different groups of audience, there are some people (mostly certain online friends) I wouldn't want to see certain personal information... So... I try to be careful not to put too much personal information on the ones that they might go... (hence the different blogs).... However.... because of my excitement (fangirl / 花痴 phases), these have been pretty mixed up recently with me cross promoting both blogs... XD (What I've ended up doing is just to not promote my blog on my MSN nick.... O_O)

    But, oh, well... I don't think I (at least I hope that I don't) have too much personal details on either blogs to give people easy access to spamming or other weird things.... (am I thinking too much or being too paranoid? >3<)

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It seems that after that long rambling above... I didn't get to really relevant point about your reason above.... Orz

    Urgh... I think what I want to say is.... umm.... Even with me being so "open book"... There are still some things that I don't want people to see... things such as more personally negative things, or embarrassing thoughts... you know... So... sometimes it's much easier to go on about things other than the really important things that are going on in your life, neh.... (even though for people who really know me, you guys are able to read between the lines and question me about these things anyways... >\\\\\< But that's the difference between the different types of relationships, isn't it?)

    And, more to your comment... I think some people are just not in the habit or not really comfortable with broadcasting their lives (thoughts) to the general public... doesn't necessarily mean that they are trying to keep their lives secret, lah... ^^"

    (After that rambling session... it seems that only one line is relevant to your comment... Orz I'm just going to leave and wallow in shame now... >ˇ<)

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    haha...ur 2 comment could have just been a blog........... O_o
    but it's ok.................i will just blog my happy thoughts from now on :D
    how about... "The Basketball Diaries" or maybe "My Extreme Sports"

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