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Taiwan Trip Day 2 - Late Night

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Hmm...I don't have much of my day 2 night activity to talk about but why am I still up at 12:30am? Thanks to Murphy's Law, something having to do with Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts came up at work requiring me to stay up and push an order through from Taiwan. So even though I do not have jetlag, I am going to end up having jetlag because I am going to sleep too late... And I have a fishy feeling that I'll be here for another more while.

7 Responses to “Taiwan Trip Day 2 - Late Night”

  1. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Poor Soap...@.@||| When you were busy last night, I didn't know it was because of work stuff... It is extremely annoying when you have to deal with work stuff during your personal time... = =+

    When you didn't come back around 12:00am, I went off MSN, so I didn't get a confirmation about how we are going to do this... Please let me know if the below is alright for the current plan:

    1. You try to find out what are the times you can DEFINITELY meet with us, and inform me as soon as you know.

    2. Then, I will try to contact the people I have contact with to arrange the gathering. (whoever can come will come, whoever can't make it, wait until next time, lor~ ^^")

    Right now, what we know is:
    -- You are not in Taipei the rest of this week (weekdays).
    -- I am going back to Taichung this weekend.
    -- You will not be in Taipei Mon-Fri whole week next week, either.
    -- Next Sunday (9/18) is 中秋節, you will be spending with your family.

    ==> So, that leaves us with:
    -- Next Saturday (9/17)
    -- 9/19 (Mon) - 9/22 (Thu) the weekdays after 中秋節, before you leave.

    So, let me know, lor... @.@"

  2. Blogger danio 

    so you are averaging two posts per day since u hopped on the plane. You are on a blogging spree. how do you plan to keep this up? :p

  3. Blogger sophia 

    by quitting my job and become professional blogger? :p

  4. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Ha ha ha... I wouldn't object to that! XD

  5. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    BTW, I like your new letterhead picture (the trees with sunshine filtering through it)! It looks really nice, for some reason, puts me in a nostalgic (sp?) mood... ^^"

    Anyways, very nice indeed... I would love it if you have the complete picture file and can give it to me? XD

  6. Blogger sophia 

    i took this at 國父紀念館
    you can find the pic in my flickr account

  7. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Thanks, lor~
    Already set it as desktop picture!! ^^~

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