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Taiwan Trip - Day 9

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Today was a sunny day. Taipei 101 with the blue back drop, it seem even more prettier.

Went to visit Sushi at her office. Notice here Susie pretending to work when family has no adults.

And Sushi pretending to be cute.

By the time I came home it was dark already. Here is Taipei Metro aka 遠東飯店 aka Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel. It the 4th tallest building in Taiwan and it's 165m/541f tall, 43 stories, built in 1994.

7 Responses to “Taiwan Trip - Day 9”

  1. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Hee hee... Notice the thick black book on my left counter... That's Harry Potter 6, which I brough to the office intending to find time to read, but eventually didn't open it, just took it out for show... XD

    It was really a nice day outside yesterday! Although still hot, it's not as humid as it was a while ago. ^^

    Taipei 101 is indeed really pretty, neh... you should see it at night! Your picture is really good! ^^

    The Plaza Hotel is pretty too.. I don't think I know about this building before.. @.@

  2. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Wow~~ Juju~~ Did you just ate a big mouth-full of honey? You are too sweet, lah!! >w<

    BTW, when are you finally going to give me a little nephew or neice to play with, huh? XD

  3. Blogger sophia 


  4. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    不知為何, "兩個女生少在那裡噁心了啦"
    被我看成: "兩個少女....."

    嗯嗯... 果然,心有所思.... XD

  5. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    不知為何, "兩個女生少在那裡噁心了啦"
    被我看成: "兩個少女....."

    嗯嗯... 果然,心有所思.... XD

  6. Blogger sophia 

    why do you have to put 3 comments about 兩個少女...

    you really do think you are still 12...

  7. Blogger Cutie Sushi 

    Urgh.. For some reason, when I press submit, the browser just keeps running and never actually shows the comment posted, that's why I pressed stop and posted again.. and again.. XD
    At the same time, I kept refreshing the page to see if it had came out, but it didn't come out at that time, so I thought it hadn't been posted.. So... That's the result.. = =" Would you just delete the extra ones for me.. Orz

    P.S. I am 12!! XD

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